Ready for more changes on Facebook?!  It seems like they are making changes daily now and it’s hard to keep up so this post should break down for you the recent changes regarding the new Facebook ad campaign structure.

The New Facebook Ads Campaign Structure is set to roll out on September 15 and will be made available to 100% of advertisers in the next few weeks.

This change is designed to make advertising efforts easier for advertisers in three words:

  • Organize
  • Optimize
  • Measure


Before, Facebook Ads only has a 2-level structure: Campaigns and Ads.

It was in each individual campaigns that advertisers set everything: campaign goals, audience filters, budget and scheduling of ads. The Ads – there are the creatives.

This structure is particularly rigid: as it was difficult to optimize and measure ads effectiveness across different audience demographics and campaigns goals.


In this new structure, you can set different campaign goals on Campaign such as branding, site visits or promote offers.

You can set your audience, budget, placements and scheduling in Ad Sets. Under each Ad sets are your Ad creatives.

To better understand, this 3-level structure allows you to:

  • Separate different campaign goals from others
  • Set different audience groups under each campaign
  • Experiment on different Ad creatives under each demographic group.

This gives advertisers a chance to better analyze and understand how each creative content performs in a specific group of people, under each campaign goal.

Facebook has published a guide on how to bring the best out of the new Ads Campaign structure.


1. Define your campaign goal.

Campaign goals are specific results set by a brand. For example, a local store will have the following objectives:

  • Visits to Website
  • Website Conversions
  • Increase Page Post Engagement
  • Likes your Page
  • Install Apps
  • App Engagement
  • Promote Offers
  • Event Responses
  • Video Views

Thus a goal should be limited to some specific calls to action from a Facebook user.

2. Set up campaigns based on advertising objectives.

You can create different campaigns under each objectives. Here are a sample list of campaigns you can choose from:

3. Set the cap how much you spend across all your campaigns.

You don’t need to worry about over-spending. You can set your budget across campaigns. The Ads will stop as soon as your cap budget is reached.

4. Take note of spending for each of your campaigns.

Use the spending meter to track how much your ads had spent so far. This will let you in the loop of how much your ads costs to run, as well as compare which ad delivers better results over cost-effectiveness.


1. Organize ad sets by audience.

Learn to determine your audience by gender, age, location, likes and other demographic data available in the Ads Manager.

This will help you determine which audience group drives better response to your ads. For example: you can and create ad set for people you liked your Page and another for those who haven’t liked your Page yet.

One secret is to keep your Ad Set consistent so that you can easily single out the best performing Ad Sets.

2. Optimize top performing placements.

You can alternately assign one placement in an Ad Set or have multiple placements in a demographic Ad Set so optimize your ad results.

3. Set bidding to maximize performance.

Make sure that your ads have consistent optimization settings to optimize your ads; whether you are bidding for clicks, impressions or reach, your choice depends what your prefer to pay for.

4. Adjust budgets to optimize spend.

Monitor which ads perform better than the rest. Make sure your budget appropriately and equally to all top-performing ad sets.


1. Know which ad types suits your campaign objective.

Select the best types of ads to use such as link ads, photo ads, text ads, app install pages to match the needs of your campaign.

2. Come up with multiple ads to optimize creative.

As much as possible create other ad variations using a creative. For example, an ad creative can be both in form of a image or a video. This allows more optimized delivery.

3. Always monitor to improve performance of a creative.

Always make a point to record results such as number of clicks, impressions as well as rejections. This helps you see the performance of your ads in a user’s view point. Use what you have learned to improve future creatives.

4. Work within the limits of your account.

Every account can hold as much as 1000 campaigns, 1000 ad sets and 5000 ads. This only applies to live campaigns, deleted ones do not count. To better manage and track your campaigns, follow your marketing plan and run a good number of ads that you can manage.